The EVS 1000 is a smaller, lighter version of the popular EVS 7000/9000 Range with all of the recovery performance of the standard and lead- free solder units. The smaller size and footprint help reduce the cost, but still provide a capacity of 10lb/5kg of dross, giving a rapid payback and impressive return on capital (ROI).
The very quick cycle time and manoeuvrability of this new machine will appeal to all customers who regularly de dross, use nitrogen or use 1 or 3 waves. With the increasing cost of solders and labour around the world the EVS 1000 is being installed at manufacturing facilities by customers looking to save money and improve their process.
The EVS 1000 can quickly convert waste dross into pure solder in minutes not hours, while improving the wave solder machine process. This provides a cleaner wave with less maintenance, less downtime, and a reduction in shorts and bridging as well as the potential to discontinue the use of messy wave oils and/or dross reduction powders.
The 5 advantages for using EVS solder recovery systems
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