Solder Wave Machine
At Mectronics, Solder Wave Machines are available which are lead-free capable or lead is allowed depending on the solder wave machine feature efficiency, manufactured floor friendly patterns that are adaptable to PCB’s to 450 mm, 350 mm and 250 mm wide. Solder wave machines are setup with many enhanced traits, which includes convection pre-heat, spray fluxes, or dual filtration fume extraction options on systems at the very reasonable price. Lead and lead-free solders are dual pot compatible that helps for a long run using the same machine, removing space and expense required of a second machine. These machines have nitrogen models as well.

These machines have achieved the best solder quality, with zero challenges with high mass. It also features forced convection pre-heat and solder nozzles that supply board assemblers the ability to process the difficult soldering function in the most severe environments.
Lead-Free Process
They have been processing lead-free soldering for many years and are susceptible to handle highest of temperatures. One of the features known as Quick Change Solder Pot gives the elasticity to change alloys within the time and safely.
Mectronics, machines proven performance have the gain reputation in the industry as having the most dependable wave soldering machines, which last longer when compared to other manufacturers.
High End Board Proficiency
The board assemblers have identified the necessity of having the capability of wave solder machines to process large.
Pre-Heat Capability
Various types of pre-heat forms are preferred for the complete process, which also includes fast response IR, forced convection, and Infrared radiant that allow the pre-heat formation to be placed at any position.
Fluxing Technology
In the wave soldering machines process, flux plays the vital role as primary and secondary for a purpose. The primary purpose is to clean the forming parts that are to be soldered, which are mainly the oxide layers formed.
As the complications of board assemblies continue to amplify, the fluxing quality of the machine has come more into focus to make sure of the soldering high standard. Mectronics offer the best fluxing applications that are available in the market.